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Why I Tri- Poem 16

Why I Tri- Why I spy with my little eye, I see the stride It's like a finger print, You can see the soul and history of their path... You don't really know someone until you run with them... Side by side, stride for stride. You hear their footsteps, you hear their breath, you feel the beat of the hearts like drums in rhythm. Before long, you are in concert, in time, in soul. This is Why I Tri, to spy with eye, to see the stride, to be in harmony with the souls of the born to run. We are born to run and be in harmony. Why I Tri16
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Why I Tri- Poem 15

Why I Tri Tri is not a smooth road Tri is more like a roller coaster, with ups and downs There secrets to Tri We Tri for progress not perfection We learn to adapt in Tri We keep TRIng We never get there, we enjoy the ride and learn about ourselves This is Why we Tri for Life Why I Tri

Why I Tri- Poem 14

Why I Tri Why do we keep TRIng When times get tough When people tell us to quit When there is the boring safe route Why do we Tri to make it hard Do the Hard Keep struggling When we see the light, the idea in our head And won't quit into that light is outside To share the light and idea with others Hopefully they see and enjoy and come again. Why do we keep TRIng Why I Tri

Why I Tri- Poem 13

Why I Tri- Poem 13 13 1 sport = 3 disciplines 13 workouts in a week, maybe who has raced in at least 13 states, this guy 13 is for some reason my family lucky number, I don't know the whole history 13 was my soccer number many seasons who has been on a 13th floor why are we afraid of 13, why is it unlucky as an angel number  13  is very auspicious There is more than 13 items you need to remember to tri can you do a sub 13 ironman, I have can you believe someone can run under 13 for a 5k, crazy fast 13th line Why I Tri

Why I Tri- Poem 12

Why I Tri Why I Tri into the New Year 2019 was a year for Tri Not much racing, but endurance challenges Directed TXSTri again that was good More Coaching and TriDot 2019 was a year to watch Tri Challenge Roth and Kona, records broken Watching on Live is great and fun On to 2020 what will 2020 hold for Tri Train for GreatFloridian all year Get fit get strong get faster beat my 23 More Coaching and Race Directing Seeing the Athletes start finish and smile That is why we Tri in 2020 Why I Tri

Why I Tri- Poem 11

Why I Tri Why I Tri at Christmas time Why is this a TRIng time, hohoho Why do we have to miss workouts over the holidays or du we have the attitude athletes don't do holidays it is a time to be truly merry, then why can't we work out over the holidays Working out makes us merry having a plan and a schedule makes us merry meeting people and working out makes us merry buying expensive bikes make us merry Find balance balance life find balance in your head find balance in your body find balance in your community Why I Tri at Christmas time to be merry and find balance and keep TRIng! Why I Tri

Why I Tri- Poem 10

Why I Tri Is Tri an escape or solution? Do we Tri to baffle our mind that we can Du anything? Do we just TRI to find our limits? Do we we TRI to exploit our accomplishment Are we vain OR do we do this for you us we? What is TRI? Is it for simply moving forward OR More Who I Tri