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Showing posts from December, 2019

Why I Tri- Poem 12

Why I Tri Why I Tri into the New Year 2019 was a year for Tri Not much racing, but endurance challenges Directed TXSTri again that was good More Coaching and TriDot 2019 was a year to watch Tri Challenge Roth and Kona, records broken Watching on Live is great and fun On to 2020 what will 2020 hold for Tri Train for GreatFloridian all year Get fit get strong get faster beat my 23 More Coaching and Race Directing Seeing the Athletes start finish and smile That is why we Tri in 2020 Why I Tri

Why I Tri- Poem 11

Why I Tri Why I Tri at Christmas time Why is this a TRIng time, hohoho Why do we have to miss workouts over the holidays or du we have the attitude athletes don't do holidays it is a time to be truly merry, then why can't we work out over the holidays Working out makes us merry having a plan and a schedule makes us merry meeting people and working out makes us merry buying expensive bikes make us merry Find balance balance life find balance in your head find balance in your body find balance in your community Why I Tri at Christmas time to be merry and find balance and keep TRIng! Why I Tri

Why I Tri- Poem 10

Why I Tri Is Tri an escape or solution? Do we Tri to baffle our mind that we can Du anything? Do we just TRI to find our limits? Do we we TRI to exploit our accomplishment Are we vain OR do we do this for you us we? What is TRI? Is it for simply moving forward OR More Who I Tri

Why I Tri- Poem 9

Why I tri Why we Tri in the winter, the offseason There are no races, but maybe inside It’s cold and sometimes miserable, but we know how to layer Getting in the pool is never fun but our wet hair freezes leaving the gym and our feet go numb We battle with technology and our smart trainers, linking every app known to man to broadcast our workouts Athletes like to complain about the dreadmill or no matter what I’m running outside determination Why we Tri in the winter, the offseason Because maybe out competitor is taking a break To build strength and stamina We can focus on training vs racing So the holidays doesn't catch up with our belly Honestly what else is there to do than Tri training Why we Tri in the winter, the offseason Why I Tri

Why I Tri- Poem 8

Why I Tri What does Tri do for who your are? Do you look at yourself different? Is a material thing? Is an internal? Did you compare yourself? Do you do it for you? Did it make you better? Do you look at things different? Who will you become now? What is next? Can you just be? Why I Tri

Why I Tri- Poem 7

Why I Tri Why I Tri and Test Where are we? Where are we in our fitness? How do we know? Do we go off feel? Do we go off of what we think? Do we go off of past experience? Do we do off of what has worked for others? Why we Test, how we Test our fitness We bike for 20 min as hard as we can. This is called FTP- Functional Threshold Power We swim a 400, rest then a 200 This will test us on our swim speed and stamina We run a 5k, the same every time, on our own as a time trial This will test our pace, our heart rate and endurance Why I Tri and Test So we can have a place holder and show of improvement After we test our intensities change so we can get fitter until we test again. What we don't measure we can not see the change and improvement So that is why we Tri and Test Why I tri and Test Why I Tri

Why I Tri - Poem 6

Why I Tri Why I Tri to fuel To fuel so my body can go To be able to do workouts in the pool Why I fuel with things my stomach will like To not get upset or get a cramp To be able to pedal harder faster on the bike Why I fuel with things that are yum Not just delicious, but nutritious So I can go the distance and finish the run! Why I Tri to fuel Why I tri

Why I Tri- Poem 5

Why I Tri I Tri for Fitness I Tri for Fun I Tri for Friends I Tri to Swim I Tri to See the Sights I Tri to Support Others I Tri to Bike I Tri to Build a Community I Tri to Behave and not let my words get me in trouble I Tri to Run I Tri to be Reputable in my sport I Tri to Recreate and keep the play in the sport Why I Tri

Why I Tri Plus - Poem 4

Why I Tri First Tri in a pool First Tri with a rented bike First Tri got cramps on the run Second Tri OWS Second Tri bought a bike Second Tri ran to Tri not just run First Full Tri I had no clue First Full Tri I swam long First Full Tri I biked faster than I thought First Full Tri I cramped but ran through to the best victory First Tri I Directed I found a Love First Tri I Directed I learned about myself First Tri I Directed I learned you can’t please all the time First Tri I Directed I felt ultimate stress and ultimate accomplishment First Tri I coached I learned about myself First Tri I coached I learned service and nonself First Tri my athlete crossed the finish line, joy was 10 times that of my finish joy First Tri I coached my heart was forever there for them I still Tri to learn and experience Why I Tri